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Nov 27, 2017

Do Americans need more positive feedback than the French? French expat Sabine explains the communication issues she and her American husband face. She also explains why her French friends sometimes feel sorry for her and what she makes of the 2nd amendment given all the mass shootings in America. Would you trade Paris...

Nov 20, 2017

You would think living in Rome would be fantastic but "Rome squashes some of my joy" co-host Tiffany Parks says in this episode.

Over in New Orleans, co-host Katy Sewall keeps encountering local residents claiming they're able to be more their authentic selves in The Big Easy. This has Katy questioning the influence...

Nov 13, 2017

Does life have any meaning? What is the purpose of living? If you are asking these questions, you might be experiencing an existential crisis.

To tackle grief, loss and these huge life questions, New Orleans writer Anne Gisleson formed the Existential Crisis Reading Group. Along the way, the book group discovered...

Nov 6, 2017

Hurricane Nate missed New Orleans in October, but being in it's path brought about both fear and cultural revelation for new resident - our host Katy Sewall. It also brought about an unexpected interview with BBC radio.